Animal prints are a great way to add a touch of wildness to your wardrobe….

They can also be a bit intimidating to style. That's why we've put together a few tips on how to incorporate animal prints into your wardrobe without looking like you're wearing a costume.

Start small: Instead of going all out with a head-to-toe animal print look, try incorporating a small animal print accessory, such as a scarf or a pair of earrings, into your outfit. This will add a subtle touch of print without overwhelming your look. animal print cheetah leopard
Mix and match: Animal prints can be paired with a variety of colors and patterns. Try pairing a leopard print with a solid color shorts, or mixing a zebra print skirt with a polka dot blouse. This creates a fun, eclectic look.
Keep it neutral: Animal prints can be bold, so if you're worried about feeling too conspicuous, try sticking to neutral tones like black and beige. These colors will help tone down the boldness of the print.
Dress it up or down: Animal prints can be dressed up or down, depending on the occasion. A leopard print dress paired with heels can be perfect for a night out, while a leopard print sweater with a pair of jeans is great for a casual day look.